Lyon’s Gate resident Adams Mayor is running for the open seat on the HOA Board of Directors. Each candidate has the option of being interviewed on the Lyon’s Gate HOA Podcast as part of the process and Adam opted to take advantage of that offer.
The HOA Board of Directors approved 5 questions to be asked of every candidate wishing to be interviewed. These are the questions posed to Adam for this interview:
- How long have you lived in Lyon’s Gate?
- Why are you running for the Lyon’s Gate Board of Directors?
- What strengths do you possess that would contribute to the success of the Lyon’s Gate community?
- Do you currently volunteer in the community and if so, in what capacity?
- What’s important for others to know about you?
The link below will take you to my interview with Adam where you can listen in to our conversation and get more information about Adam, his background, and reasons for running for the HOA Board.