Tag Archives: Lyon’s Gate HOA Podcast

Annual Meeting Notice and Candidate Vote

Attention Lyon’s Gate Residents,

It’s that time of the year again, Annual Meeting time and your participation is very much needed this year. We need ballots! The annual meeting and Board candidate vote will be December 2nd at 7:00 PM at the clubhouse. Sign-in begins at 6:45 PM. Ballots will be counted at this meeting.

The Association has 1936 members. According to the Association Bylaws, 10% of those eligible to vote constitutes a quorum in order for the meeting to be held. Therefore, 194 Homeowners (if all 1936 members are in good standing) must be represented, in person or by absentee ballot, at this Annual Meeting in order for it to be officially recognized. So, if you are unable to attend the meeting please return your signed absentee ballot (linked below) to one of the addresses (physical or email ) noted on the ballot to be used for quorum. You may even consider snapping an image of it with your phone or tablet and sending it via email. It’s very easy and as long as it is legible and a clear image, we can use it and make it count.

Let’s Do a Raffle

The Association will be starting a series of raffles soon to help generate some excitement and competition on who can get their ballots into the Association first. You can expect more information to  come your way soon. In the meantime, let’s start with this…. The first 50 residents to send management a ballot via drop-off during business hours at the clubhouse, or email, fax, or mail it to Brown Community Management’s physical address (Mesa) will be entered to win a $25.00 dollar gift card. We will announce the next raffle soon….  Happy ballot returning!

Candidate Audio Interviews

We have four candidates running for the open seat on the HOA Board. All four of them were interviewed on the Lyon’s Gate HOA Podcast. For your convenience, the link below will take you to all four interviews, with the most recent one listed first, where you can listen to each candidate’s response to the questions asked in the interviews.

An Audio Interview with HOA Board Candidate Adam Mayor

Lyon’s Gate resident Adams Mayor is running for the open seat on the HOA Board of Directors. Each candidate has the option of being interviewed on the Lyon’s Gate HOA Podcast as part of the process and Adam opted to take advantage of that offer.

The HOA Board of Directors approved 5 questions to be asked of every candidate wishing to be interviewed. These are the questions posed to Adam for this interview:

  1. How long have you lived in Lyon’s Gate?
  2. Why are you running for the Lyon’s Gate Board of Directors?
  3. What strengths do you possess that would contribute to the success of the Lyon’s Gate community?
  4. Do you currently volunteer in the community and if so, in what capacity?
  5. What’s important for others to know about you?

The link below will take you to my interview with Adam where you can listen in to our conversation and get more information about Adam, his background, and reasons for running for the HOA Board.


An Audio Interview with HOA Board Candidate Sarah Jo Frasier

Lyon’s Gate resident Sarah Jo Frasier is running for the open seat on the HOA Board of Directors. Each candidate has the option of being interviewed on the Lyon’s Gate HOA Podcast as part of the process and Sarah Jo opted to take advantage of that offer.

The HOA Board of Directors approved 5 questions to be asked of every candidate wishing to be interviewed. These are the questions posed to Sarah Jo:

  1. How long have you lived in Lyon’s Gate?
  2. Why are you running for the Lyon’s Gate Board of Directors?
  3. What strengths do you possess that would contribute to the success of the Lyon’s Gate community?
  4. Do you currently volunteer in the community and if so, in what capacity?
  5. What’s important for others to know about you?

The link below will take you to my interview with Sarah Jo where you can listen in to our conversation and get more information about Sarah Jo, her background, and reasons for running for the HOA Board.


An Audio Interview with HOA Board of Directors Candidate Denise Fecci

Lyon’s Gate resident Denise Fecci is running for the open seat on the HOA Board of Directors. Each candidate has the option of being interviewed on the Lyon’s Gate HOA Podcast as part of the process and Denise opted to take advantage of that offer.

The HOA Board of Directors approved 5 questions to be asked of every candidate wishing to be interviewed. These are the questions posed to Denise:

  1. How long have you lived in Lyon’s Gate?
  2. Why are you running for the Lyon’s Gate Board of Directors?
  3. What strengths do you possess that would contribute to the success of the Lyon’s Gate community?
  4. Do you currently volunteer in the community and if so, in what capacity?
  5. What’s important for others to know about you?

The link below will take you to my interview with Denise where you can listen in to our conversation and get more information about Denise, her background, and reasons for running for the HOA Board.


An Audio Interview with HOA Board of Directors Candidate Dan Pope

Lyon’s Gate resident Dan Pope is running for the open seat on the HOA Board of Directors. Each candidate has the option of being interviewed on the Lyon’s Gate HOA Podcast as part of the process and Dan opted to take advantage of that offer.

I joined Dan on his front porch as we talked while observing social distancing. This interview is that conversation. The HOA Board of Directors approved 5 questions to be asked of every candidate wishing to be interviewed. These are the questions posed to Dan:

  1. How long have you lived in Lyon’s Gate?
  2. Why are you running for the Lyon’s Gate Board of Directors?
  3. What strengths do you possess that would contribute to the success of the Lyon’s Gate community?
  4. Do you currently volunteer in the community and if so, in what capacity?
  5. What’s important for others to know about you?

The link below will take you to my interview with Dan where you can listen in to our conversation and get more information about Dan, his background, and reasons for running for the HOA Board.


Call for Candidates: New Podcast

The annual call for candidates is out! If you’re interested in running for the Lyon’s Gate HOA Board of Directors, it’s time to let us know. Below, you will find a link the Candidate Nomination form with instructions and the contact info needed to get it to us. This information is time-sensitive and needs to be received by the HOA by Thursday, November 12th in order to be placed on the absentee ballot

The vote will be held at the annual HOA meeting on Wednesday, December 2nd at 7:00 PM. A quorum of 10% (194 homeowners) is required for the vote to be valid. Please vote, either by absentee ballot or in person on December 2nd. More information can be found HERE.

Once again this year, candidates can be interviewed on the Lyon’s Gate HOA Podcast to talk about your qualifications and reasons for running. The HOA Board has approved 5 questions to be asked of every candidate interviewed. The 5 questions are:

  1. How long have you lived in Lyon’s Gate?
  2. Why are you running for the Lyon’s Gate Board of Directors?
  3. What strengths do you possess that would contribute to the success of the Lyon’s Gate community?
  4. Do you currently volunteer in the community and if so, in what capacity?
  5. What’s important for others to know about you?

If you’re running for the Board and you want to be interviewed on this podcast, check the box at the bottom of the Nomination form linked below.

Push Play to listen to today’s podcast pertaining to the Call for Candidates. Be sure to subscribe to the Lyon’s Gate HOA Podcast in your favorite podcast app, or on the web at:


Be sure to vote. we need you!